PinnedUrban Aquaculture, Food Needs and The Economic SystemThe urban farming program is an effort to meet the food and use land in urban areas. In addition, it also aims to motivate the community to…Aug 11, 2021Aug 11, 2021
The Potential of Methionine in Aquaculture: A scientific Perspectiveby: Fittrie Meyllianawaty Pratiwy, Ph.D.Feb 17Feb 17
The Role of β-Glucan in Aquaculture: Enhancing Fish Health and Sustainabilityby: Fittrie Meyllianawaty Pratiwy, Ph.D.Feb 14Feb 14
The Utilization of Nigella sativa in Fish Feed and as an Immunomodulator: A Game-Changer in…by: Fittrie Meyllianawaty Pratiwy, Ph.D.Aug 13, 2024Aug 13, 2024
The Untapped Potential of Microalgae as a Source for Bioethanolby: Fittrie Meyllianawaty Pratiwy, Ph.D.Aug 13, 2024Aug 13, 2024
Lake Taal: A Natural Wonder and Aquaculture Hub in the PhilippinesBy: Fittrie Meyllianawaty Pratiwy, Ph.D. Lecturer of Universitas PadjadjaranFeb 2, 2024Feb 2, 2024
Climate Change and The Impact to Reef EcosystemGlobal warming is now threatening almost all corners of the world, because the problems that cover the scope of “global” are very…Aug 13, 2022Aug 13, 2022
IMTA-Based Marine Culture System in an Effort to Reduce Organic and Inorganic WasteThe fisheries sector is one sector that not only produces economic value, but can also have a negative impact on the environment if not…Jul 22, 2021Jul 22, 2021
The potential of garlic as an additional ingredient in fish feed to act as an anti-oxidantThe increasing need for tilapia consumption has made farmers cultivate to continue to develop superior tilapia fish production. High…Feb 14, 2021Feb 14, 2021
The Effectiveness of Raw Material Substitution Alternative Protein Sources in Fish FeedIn the manufacture of artificial feed, fish meal is still used as a major component of protein sources because fish meal has a good…Feb 13, 2021Feb 13, 2021